An easy, intuitive desk booking experience

Reserve individual desks, a spot in a neighborhood, or open seating.

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Trusted by over 1M+ users
Screenshot of Scoop's web extension enabling employees to select a desk for when they are coming into the workplace.

Easily browse available desks and desk types

Employees will only see desks for which they are eligible.

Screenshot of Scoop's mobile application enabling employees to browse eligible desks when deciding to come into the workplace.

Select a desk for today - or next week

Employees can select a desk for one day or multiple days in advance.

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See your seating options on the floor plan

Employees can see where desks are on the floorplan when selecting.

Select a desk near your teammates or friends

See where co-workers are sitting as you select your own desk.

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Victoria M
Feb 21
Scoop easily allows me to find where my Colleagues are working on a day to day basis, especially my favorite ones!
Charlene Santos
Feb 21
If you want something user friendly and simple for wanting to know when your colleagues are in the office, who is working remote, which site they are at - Scoop is for you!
Robert Gruen
Feb 21
It's super easy to use. I also like the recurring schedule option - saves me time every week!
Madeline P
Feb 21
This app is perfect for the hybrid worker on the go! You are able to see which colleagues are in and out on what days which make it way easier to set a hybrid schedule.
Megan G
Feb 21
Knowing what colleagues are going into the office - its super helpful to know this so i can plan when to go into the office or what to expect when I get there, I love it.
Carrie E
Feb 21
Great for post-pandemic work life! Scoop is intuitive to use and gives you great and timely insight into who you'll be interacting with at work that day!

Connect with our team

Are you a commuter? Visit our commuters page to learn more and download the Scoop app for iOS or Android.

Reserve your free trial today

Schedule time with our team for a complete demo of how the Scoop platform can help you thrive as a hybrid organization.
  • Deploy vaccination requirements & custom health policies
  • Workplace usage trends and reporting
  • Desk management and seamless employee desk booking
  • See where teammates are working with Google Calendar and Slack
  • Straightforward per employee pricing! No extra charge for desks or buildings