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Deep Dive: Structured Hybrid Work Schedule in 2023

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The work landscape is changing rapidly, and one rigid policy no longer fits all when crafting a work schedule. Embracing this change, many organizations are shifting from a traditional fixed work schedule to a more flexible hybrid work schedule. Particularly, the structured hybrid work schedule has emerged as a popular choice due to its blend of flexibility and predictability.

This article explores different types of structured hybrid work schedules, industries embracing these models, pros, cons, and key considerations for implementing them.

Types of Hybrid Work Schedules

Organizations are taking several approaches to implement this new way of working. Two of the most common models are the structured hybrid work schedule and the fully flexible hybrid work schedule.

Structured Hybrid Work Schedule

Structured work schedules set clear expectations for when employees should be at the office, providing some flexibility but not making the position completely remote. It is a popular choice for many companies because it balances flexibility and the need for in-person collaboration.

Fully Flexible Hybrid Work Schedule

In contrast to the structured hybrid work schedule, the fully flexible hybrid work schedule allows employees to work entirely from home. This model typically falls into two categories: fully remote and employee's choice.

Fully remote organizations do not have physical office spaces. Organizations implementing an employee's choice model provide office space for employees who prefer to work in person occasionally.

Who Is Using Structured Hybrid Work Schedules in 2023?

Structured hybrid work schedules have gained significant traction in the corporate landscape. According to the Flex report for Q2 2023, approximately 30% of US companies now offer structured hybrid work schedules. Among these, 18% follow the "minimum days" schedule, while 6% adopt the "specific days" schedule.

A chart of the percentages of companies by office requirement, including fully remote, structured hybrid, and full time in office

Across industries, structured hybrid work schedules are on the rise. The energy, insurance, and hospitality sectors have shown the highest adoption rates for this model.

A chart showing the change in percentage in work location flexibility level by industry

Bigger companies, with 50K+ employees, are more likely to embrace structured hybrid models, with 66% implementing this model. In contrast, smaller companies with fewer than 500 employees prefer fully flexible work schedules.

A chart highlighting the percentage of companies by headcount size that are offering different work location flexibility, including fully remote, structured hybrid, and full time in office.

Understanding Structured Hybrid Work Schedule

A structured hybrid work schedule clearly defines in-office work hours, providing a framework for employees to effectively plan their work and personal commitments. The structured hybrid work schedules have four key models:

Specific Days

The specific days model mandates certain dates or days of the week when employees must work in person. These specific days often align with important workplace practices, such as team meetings or project deadlines. For example, an employee may have to be in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays or only on Fridays for end-of-the-week recaps.


  • One advantage of the specific days model is that it provides a predictable routine, making it easier to plan and collaborate with colleagues.
  • Additionally, regular in-person interactions can foster stronger relationships and enhance teamwork.


  • This fixed schedule may limit an employee's flexibility on office days, making it challenging to balance personal commitments and work.

Key Considerations for Specific Days Model

For the specific days model to work well, the designated days need to align with team requirements and provide a balance between collaboration and individual work. Clear communication and proper planning make this model successful.

Minimum Days

The minimum days model requires employees to be physically present in the office for a specific number of days each week without specifying which days. For example, an employee might be required to work a minimum of two days per week but have the flexibility to choose which days to go in.


  • It allows employees to have control over their schedules while ensuring a minimum level of in-person collaboration.
  • It provides a balance between flexibility and regular face-to-face interactions with colleagues.


  • Coordinating schedules and ensuring that team members are present on overlapping days for effective collaboration can be complicated.
  • It may require more advanced planning and communication among team members.

Key Considerations for Minimum Days Model

Consider the team's dynamics, project requirements, and individual preferences when implementing the minimum days model. Encouraging open communication and providing tools to facilitate coordination can help maximize the benefits of this model.

Minimum Percentage of Time

Similar to the minimum days model, the minimum percentage of time model sets expectations for the percentage of work hours employees must spend in the office versus working from home. For instance, an employee may need to be in the office 40% of the week but have flexibility in choosing specific days or hours.


  • It provides employees with the freedom to design their work schedules based on personal commitments or preferences.
  • It can accommodate individuals with family responsibilities, childcare needs, or other external commitments.


  • One challenge of this model is coordinating schedules and ensuring that team members are available for collaborative work when needed.
  • It requires effective communication and coordination among team members to avoid potential gaps in collaboration.

Key Considerations for Minimum Percentage of Time Model

Establish clear guidelines on how to determine the minimum percentage of time employees need to spend in the office. This model requires trust and effective communication to ensure that all team members are aware of each other's schedules and can plan collaborative activities accordingly.

Minimum & Specific Days

In some workplaces, employers combine the specific days and minimum days models to provide additional flexibility. Employees can set their own schedules and choose their in-person days.


  • This model offers a good balance between structure and flexibility.
  • It allows employees to align work schedules with team requirements while maintaining control over the remaining workdays.


  • One challenge with this model is finding a suitable balance between individual preferences and team needs.
  • It requires effective coordination and communication to ensure that employees are present on specific days when needed for collaboration.

Key Considerations for Minimum & Specific Days Model

Establish clear guidelines and provide tools to facilitate scheduling and coordination among team members. Encouraging open dialogue and flexibility within the boundaries of the model can help foster a positive work environment.

How To Decide Your Hybrid Work Policies

When deciding on hybrid work policies, consider several factors, such as the nature of work, team dynamics, individual preferences, and collaboration requirements. Involve employees in the decision-making process through surveys or individual discussions. By considering diverse perspectives, you can tailor your hybrid work policies to meet the business's and your employees' needs.

Embrace a Structured Hybrid Work Schedule

As hybrid work becomes increasingly prevalent, a structured hybrid work schedule provides a framework for balancing flexibility and in-person collaboration. Adopting a fixed hybrid work approach establishes clear expectations, fosters effective communication, and optimizes teamwork.

The key to the success of any hybrid work schedule lies in thoughtful planning, open communication, and adaptability.

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