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Deep Dive: Fully Flexible Hybrid Work Schedule in 2023

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Post-pandemic, the concept of a hybrid work schedule has gained immense popularity. The traditional 9-to-5 office routine is no longer the norm, as organizations and employees embrace the flexibility offered by hybrid work models.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of fully flexible hybrid work schedules, exploring their different types, the industries adopting them, and key considerations for each.

What Is a Hybrid Work Schedule?

A hybrid work schedule combines remote and in-office work elements, offering employees the freedom to choose where and when they work. It balances the convenience of working from home and the benefits of collaborating in a physical office environment.

This flexible approach allows individuals to optimize their productivity and work-life balance, ultimately contributing to their overall job satisfaction and well-being.

Types of Hybrid Work Schedules

The two main types of hybrid work schedules are as follows:

Fully Flexible Hybrid Work Schedule

The fully flexible hybrid work schedule provides employees with the autonomy to work entirely from home or choose to work in a physical office space. It encompasses two main categories, "fully remote" and "employee's choice."

Structured Hybrid Work Schedule

Structured hybrid work schedules involve predefined expectations for in-office work hours while still offering some flexibility. Examples of structured hybrid models include "specific days," "minimum days," or "minimum percentage of time" models, where employees must be present in the office for specific days or a certain percentage of their work time.

Who Is Using Fully Flexible Hybrid Work Schedules in 2023?

According to "The Flex Report Q2 2023," approximately 28% of US companies now offer fully flex hybrid schedules. Among these companies, 7% follow a fully remote model, while 21% embrace the employee's choice approach.

A chart of the percentages of companies by office requirement, including fully remote, structured hybrid, and full time in office

The technology industry leads the way, with 75% of tech companies implementing fully flexible hybrid work schedules during Q2 2023.

A chart highlighting the top five industries providing the most work location flexibility

Interestingly, smaller companies with fewer than 500 employees are more inclined toward fully flexible models, with a 63% adoption rate. In contrast, larger companies with 50,000 or more employees prefer structured hybrid work schedules, with only 13% embracing the fully flexible model.

A chart highlighting the percentage of companies by headcount size that are offering different work location flexibility, including fully remote, structured hybrid, and full time in office

Geographically, western states such as Oregon, Washington, and Colorado stand out as the top-ranking regions for the most flexible work environments.

A chart highlighting the top ten states where the majority of companies are providing fully remote work location opportunities

Types of Fully Flexible Hybrid Work Schedules

Fully flexible work schedules typically fall into two categories:

Fully Remote

In a fully remote work model, employees have the freedom to work entirely from home or any other non-office locations, such as coffee shops or hotels.

This arrangement eliminates the requirement for employees to be physically present in the same area as the organization, enabling companies to tap into a wider talent pool.


The fully remote model offers numerous advantages for both employees and employers.

  • Remote work provides a higher level of flexibility and autonomy, allowing individuals to create a work environment that suits their preferences and maximizes their productivity.
  • It eliminates the need for commuting, saving valuable time and reducing stress associated with daily travel.
  • For companies, a fully remote model can result in cost savings on office space and infrastructure, as well as access to a global talent pool.


While the fully remote model has its benefits, it also presents some challenges.

  • One drawback is the potential for isolation and decreased social interaction. Employees miss out on face-to-face collaboration and informal conversations that foster creativity and innovation.
  • Maintaining work-life boundaries can become challenging when the home serves as both the office and personal space.
  • Effective communication and coordination among remote team members may require additional investment in robust technology and clear protocols.

Key Considerations for a Fully Remote Model

Certain key considerations are essential to make the most of a fully remote work model.

  • Establishing a dedicated workspace at home helps create a boundary between work and personal life, enhancing focus and productivity.
  • Maintaining regular communication channels, such as video conferences and instant messaging tools, is crucial to foster collaboration and ensure effective teamwork.
  • Employers should also prioritize providing the necessary technological resources and support for remote employees. It ensures they have the tools and infrastructure to perform their work efficiently.

Employee's Choice

Employee's choice models allow employees to choose between working from home, the office, or a combination of both, based on their individual preferences and requirements.

This model is particularly advantageous for teams with diverse needs and expectations. It accommodates those who thrive in face-to-face interactions while still catering to those who prefer the autonomy of remote work.


  • This approach allows employees to personalize their work experience, selecting the environment that best suits their productivity and well-being.
  • From an employer's perspective, this model can enhance employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention, resulting in a more motivated and productive workforce.


  • One challenge of the employee's choice model is maintaining innovation and collaboration within the team.
  • When employees have varying work arrangements, it can be challenging to establish clear communication protocols.
  • Organizations face additional pressure to ensure equal opportunities for career development and growth for both remote and in-office employees. It requires extra effort to avoid any potential biases or disparities in access to resources.

Key Considerations for Employee's Choice Model

Here are a few recommendations to successfully implement an employee's choice model:

  • Prioritize fostering a culture of trust, transparency, and open communication.
  • Clearly define expectations and guidelines regarding when in-person presence is required, such as team meetings or client presentations.
  • Provide employees with the necessary tools and resources for effective remote work. For example, they will need secure remote access to company systems and reliable communication platforms.

How To Decide Your Company's Hybrid Work Policies

When it comes to determining hybrid work policies, it is crucial to involve all stakeholders. Consider soliciting input from all employees, managers, and relevant departments to gather diverse perspectives.

Conducting surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one discussions can help identify the workforce's specific needs, preferences, and challenges. By engaging in open and transparent dialogue, you can establish hybrid work policies in alignment with individual and organizational goals.

Embrace a Fully Flexible Hybrid Work Schedule

The rise of fully flexible hybrid work schedules represents a significant shift in how work is structured and performed. By offering employees the freedom to choose where and when they work, you can unlock a range of benefits, including increased productivity, improved work-life balance, and access to a broader talent pool.

However, successful implementation requires careful planning, clear communication, and the right technological infrastructure to support remote collaboration. By understanding the needs and patterns of your workforce, you can navigate the path toward a successful and fulfilling hybrid work environment in 2023 and beyond.

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