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6 Hybrid Work Schedule Examples You Should Consider

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As companies embrace the future of work, finding the right hybrid work schedule can make all the difference in your hybrid work environment. The ideal hybrid schedule balances employee satisfaction, productivity, and team collaboration. But with so many options, how do you choose the best hybrid work schedule for your organization?

This article explores six popular types of work schedules for the hybrid workplace. You'll also learn the pros and cons of each model. By the end, you'll be able to maintain a hybrid office that keeps your hybrid employees engaged and thriving. Let's dive in.

What Is a Good Hybrid Work Schedule?

A good hybrid work schedule meets your company's and employees' unique needs. It should provide remote work flexibility while ensuring sufficient in-person interactions and collaboration. The right balance will depend on factors like:

  • Your company's culture and values
  • The nature of the work being done
  • Employees' preferences and work styles
  • Practicalities like office space and technology

The key is to design a hybrid workweek calendar that's clear, fair, and adaptable. Employees should understand the expectations around office days and remote schedules. Managers should have visibility into where their team will be working, and there should be room to adjust the hybrid work schedule as they learn what works best.

Some common goals of a good hybrid schedule include:

  • Enhancing work-life balance
  • Boosting employee engagement and satisfaction
  • Enabling both focused solo work and collaborative teamwork
  • Maintaining a strong company culture
  • Optimizing the use of physical office space

With those goals in mind, let's look at six hybrid work schedule examples you can adopt for your organization.

Top 6 Schedule Examples for the Hybrid Model You Should Consider

As you explore different hybrid work models, consider which ones align best with your company's needs and culture. You may want to pilot one or more of these schedules before committing over the long term. Be sure to gather employee feedback to understand what's working and what could be improved.

1. Remote-First Schedule

With a remote-first schedule, the default is for employees to work remotely most of the time. Teams may gather in person for occasional meetings, events, or special projects, but most of the work and communication happens digitally.


  • Maximum flexibility and autonomy for employees
  • The widest possible talent pool, unconstrained by location
  • Reduced costs associated with office space and commutes


  • Requires excellent virtual collaboration and communication skills
  • Can be isolating and challenging for the company's culture
  • Can hinder some creative or complex work due to the lack of a physical presence

2. Office-First Schedule

Conversely, an office-first hybrid schedule has employees in the workplace most days, with the option to work remotely part of the time. For example, teams may be expected to work from the office three or four days per week. The in-office days may be the same for everyone or differ by team.


  • More face time and spontaneous collaboration during designated office time
  • Better for hands-on training and complex problem-solving


  • Less flexibility and work-life balance for employees
  • Requires more office space and resources
  • May limit the talent pool to those who are willing and able to commute

3. Alternating Days On-Site With Remote Days

Some companies are dividing the week between on-site and remote days. For example, teams may go into the office on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and work remotely on Tuesdays and Thursdays (or vice versa).


  • A predictable schedule that helps with planning and routines
  • A mix of in-office collaboration and solo remote focus time
  • Office space can be used efficiently (e.g., shared desks)


  • Less flexibility for employees to optimize their own schedules
  • Can be disruptive to switch locations midweek
  • May pose challenges for employees with long commutes

4. One Week On-Site and One Remote Week

Another option is to alternate a full week in the office with a full week working remotely. This model is similar to the alternating-days model but provides longer stretches in each work location.


  • Ability to organize work schedules (e.g., team meetings during in-office weeks)
  • Minimizes disruptive midweek transitions
  • Can be good for employees who travel long distances to the office


  • Requires extra planning and organization
  • Risk of feeling disconnected from teammates during remote weeks
  • Potential for an overload of meetings during in-office weeks

5. Alternating Half-Day On-Site and Remote

You might consider a half-day hybrid schedule for roles that benefit from daily in-person interaction. Employees work from the office in the morning or afternoon and then work remotely the other half of the day. Some companies use this model for all their employees, while others apply it to specific teams or roles.


  • Daily face time without requiring a full day in the office
  • Can enhance real-time collaboration
  • Provides flexibility


  • Requires employees to commute daily
  • Can be tiring or disruptive
  • Can be challenging if employees have various personal obligations (e.g., school pickup)

6. Employee’s Choice 

Finally, some companies are embracing a totally flexible hybrid model. Employees can choose when and how often they come into the office. This could mean that some team members are mostly remote while others are in the office nearly full-time.


  • Maximum flexibility for employees to adapt to their personal lives and work styles
  • Empowers employees to be productive in the way that works best for them
  • Can be a strong talent attractor and retention tool


  • Requires a high degree of trust and communication
  • Can be challenging to coordinate schedules and maintain team cohesion
  • Potential for some employees to become isolated if they're always remote

Easily Plan Your Hybrid Teams' Flexible Schedules With Scoop

There are many possibilities for structuring a hybrid work schedule. The right fit will depend on your company's unique culture, work, and workforce. You can zero in on a model that promotes productivity, engagement, and work-life balance by piloting and iterating.

But once you've chosen a hybrid work policy, how do you put it into practice? That's where Scoop comes in. Scoop can help you seamlessly plan your teams' in-office and remote days. With Scoop, employees can easily schedule office days that align with their team. And you get visibility into who will be in when to optimize your space and resources.

Ready to make your hybrid work schedule a success? Get started for free today and empower your hybrid employees with effortless planning.

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