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3 easy ways to add and manage meeting prep with Meeting Workflows

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The best meetings are those where everyone shows up fully prepared, and it feels like magic when everything just clicks. But let’s be honest – getting everyone on the same page can be tough. Information scattered across a dozen platforms, critical documents sent out at the last minute, and no agenda in sight. Cue the frantic scramble to figure out what the meeting is about right before it starts. Sound familiar?

In this article, we’ll show you 3 easy ways that Scoop’s Meeting Workflows provide you with everything you need to make sure your meetings are a good use of everyone’s time.

1. From the Scoop Slack App DM

Once you’ve synced Scoop to your Google calendar within the Scoop Slack app, Scoop’s AI identifies your work meetings, separating them from non-work events (e.g., “lunch” or “happy hour”).

You can then choose which meetings you want to receive notifications for and where those live, whether in an existing channel, a new channel, or a group DM that Scoop creates.

Once you’ve turned on Workflows, you can quickly head to the channel or group DM and add any necessary prep materials. Some examples of useful materials are:

  • A simple text-based agenda or a pre-existing agenda link
  • Instructions for how attendees can best prepare for the meeting
  • Links to pre-reads, designs, or dashboards
  • Notes and any other related documents

2. From your personalized Snapshot summary

Each workday, Scoop will send you a customized Snapshot of your upcoming meetings and workday plans. From here, you can prep the next day’s meetings you’re joining and the meetings you own.

Details for the next day’s meetings include:

  • The meeting title
  • Time
  • Link to the assigned channel or DM (if applicable)
  • Any necessary prep for you to review for the meetings you’re joining
  • Options to add or manage prep for the meetings you own

3. From your 24-hour and 15-minute reminder notifications

Our timely notifications sent to all attendees 24 hours and 15 minutes before the start of each meeting help meetings run smoothly. They provide a space to ensure participants have all the necessary information.

24-hour notifications include:

  • The meeting title and time
  • Meeting & guest details
  • Agendas, notes, and related documents
  • The option to anonymously propose skipping the meeting
  • Flexibility to update your RSVP or work location

If no meeting prep has been added, we give attendees the option to request an agenda anonymously. Then, when new prep is added for the first time, we’ll send out a notification giving attendees the heads-up. When prep is subsequently added or updated, we’ll include a subtle note of when the update was made and by whom.

The 15-minute reminder will also include options to review prep materials swiftly, notify all meeting guests if you’re running late, convenient links to join the call, or kick-start the discussion with engaging icebreaker questions.

Streamline Your Meeting Prep with Meeting Workflows

Ensuring everyone is fully prepared for a meeting can often feel daunting, leading to unproductive meetings and a hit to overall productivity.

With Scoop, you can streamline the entire process. From timely notifications to comprehensive daily Snapshots, Scoop provides all the tools you need to make sure your meetings are efficient and productive. Try Scoop for free today!

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